Our Story


Welcome to MJ’s Eco Lifestyle, where I am putting the planet before plastic and waste, to help move towards a greener future. This is a small business sourcing eco-friendly, sustainable, plastic free and planet friendly products with the future of the planet and nature at the forefront, using the most natural of ingredients. The range boasts eco toiletries for the eco bathroom, which includes eco friendly hair products as part of our natural toiletries range. Compostable sponges and vegan bar soap are amongst other products we have for your eco kitchen needs.

Zero waste has always influenced my life, from my reuse and recycle ethos in looking after the future of the planet to avoid damaging the world we live in. 

My love of animals and nature reinforces this, as I can see first-hand the impact the environment has sustained over the years, especially whilst out walking my dogs on the moors and in greenspaces, which are home to some of our most precious wildlife, insects and plants.

I have had a career in the NHS and as a nurse, this has given me a good insight into leading a healthy lifestyle which in turn has been impacted by environmental influences. MJ’s Eco Lifestyle is my contribution to encourage change towards the lifestyles we lead, including zero waste.  This can start at home with changing everyday habits by using vegan soap bars and eco friendly products, which will contribute to a greener world living by an eco-friendly code.

I am a strong believer that everyone can make an impact, from the big to the small towards a more sustainable future for the world we live in. Making even the simplest of changes to our shopping habits can make a difference in striving towards zero waste.  We all know that there is no planet ‘B’.

The daily use of plastics continues to have an impact on the environment. Whilst many of us are aware of the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills, there is also major concern about microplastics in our waterways which has already had an untold impact on the planet and wildlife, affecting our oceans, nature and animals.

We can’t change the environmental issues we face overnight, but we can make positive changes towards better life choices, which include eco swaps to reduce household waste. Reducing the plastics in your home including switching to bar soaps and shampoos will help move to a more sustainable way of living. We can all make smarter choices when it comes to plastic and MJ’s Eco Lifestyle eco-friendly products can help to make these choices easier.  Just make one or two changes to start with, using environmentally friendly and sustainable alternatives to plastic is a great place to start, making this a big step towards a greener future.

MJ’s Eco Lifestyle range of eco friendly products contain natural scents and are great cleansers for skin. The vegan bar soaps along with a natural organic soap saver pouch can also be used as an exfoliator, which is good for both cleansing of skin and circulation. MJ’s Eco Lifestyle stocks eco hair products and vegan soap bars, making these a good plastic free switch from bottled alternatives.  Exchanging bathroom sponges for Eco bathroom sponges made from the root of a natural konjac plant, are kind to your skin and our planet.  The switch to go to eco-friendly with zero waste is easy, once you start using these products and realising their benefits to the planet, you will never want to go back.

All products are tested and made from naturally sourced ingredients with no artificial preservatives or chemicals. Packaging is made from reusable materials and is recyclable and biodegradable. I am continually adding to our stock, so keep checking in to see what new products have been added.

Why not think green next time a birthday comes up with an eco-gift from our product range?

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Always aim for zero waste.

We can all make a difference.